0 Mile 15 1/2 North, Donna, TX 78537
Legal descriptions LA BLANCA 'B'-W50' LOT 2 BLK 164 1.
52AC GR 1.
50AC NET & LA BLANCA'B'SE1AC FOR IMP-LOT 5 BLK 165 Are also included with a total of 15.
5 acres (total of 3 legal descriptions) Looking for the perfect acreage to build your dream home? Then look no further! Possibilities here are endless!
Please contact Ryan J.
McDaniel, Broker Associate & REALTOR, for more information about this property, and similar properties.
Please contact via email, sms, or phone, for more information and any showings.
Listing Broker: Star Properties 322 W Nolana Ave McAllen, TX 78504
Ryan McDaniel
Broker Associate
Effective Real Estate
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